• Elsa Beskow / Designed by Catharina Kippel

    Short biography of Elsa Beskow Elsa Beskow was born in southem Stockholm in 1874. There were five children in the family. Her father died when she was 15 and her mother took the children to live with her unmarried sibling who shared the same household. Elsa's aunts and uncle became the models for Aunt Green. Aunt Brown, Aunt Lavender and Uncle Blue. From 1892 to 1895 Elsa studied to become an art teacher and it was at this time that she started illustrating children's stories. She married Natanael Beskow, a clergyman and artist. They lived with their six sons in Dhursholm, north of Stockholm, and the family often provided inspi-ration for characters and locations in her stories. Elsa Beskow's first book 'Tale of the Little, Little Old Lady' is based on stories that her grandmother told her and was published in 1897. To this day it remains a classic story that most children have read. Her stories and her illustrations were a dominant influence in the world of children's books for more than 50 years. Her books have been translated into more than 20 languages and many of today's children's athors and illustrators have been inspired by her art. In 1952 she was awarded the Nils Holhersson Prize for her lifework and today there is a prize for children's authors in her name.
    스웨덴 서점의 동화책 섹션을 가득 메우고 있는 Elsa Beskow의 그림책은 1897년 처음 출간되어 무려 100년 동안이나 많은 사랑을 받고 있습니다. 그림동화 작가인 Elsa Beskow는 스톡홀름에서 태어나 다섯 형제와 함께 자랐습니다. 15살에 아버지가 세상을 떠나고 엄마와 이모, 삼촌들과 함께 대가족과 살았는데 여러 가족들과 집안일을 나눠 했던 어린 시절의 추억은 훗날 캐릭터 Aunt Brown, Aunt lavender, Uncle Blue 의 모티브가 되기도 했습니다. 성인이 되어 미술교사가 되기 위해 공부를 시작하면서, 어린이들의 스토리 일러스트에 관심을 갖게 되었습니다. 결혼과 출산 이후 할머니가 어린 시절 해준 이야기를 바탕으로 한 이야기책이 처음 출판되면서, 동화는 전세계에 널리 알려지기 시작했었고, 여섯 아들을 키우며 가족, 사람, 자연을 주제로 한 따뜻한 이야기는 지금까지 동화책 클래식으로 남게 되었습니다.

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    Notification 상품정보제공고시    
    품명   Card Little Willow
    재질   paper
    구성품   card

    W 10 * L 15 cm

    제조자/수입자   Design House Stockholm / 이노메싸
    제조국   Thailand
    품질보증기준   사용 전 상품 교환가능
    A/S 책임자와 전화번호   소비자상담실 : 02-3463-7752