• Designed by Arne Jacobsen

    Arne Jacobsen is one of the grandfathers of modern Danish furniture and the minimalist Danish style. While Arne Jacobsen (1902-1971) was also a successful architect, he is best remembered for his simple,
    yet elegant and functional chair designs. The cooperation between Arne Jacobsen and Fritz Hansen dates back to 1934. But it wasn't until 1952 that Jacobsen made a break-through: the Jacobsen Ant™ Chair.
    The Jacobsen Series 7™ Chair quickly followed in 1955.
    At the end of the 50s Arne Jacobsen was the lead architect for the Royal Hotel in Copenhagen, and designed the famous Egg™ Chair, the Swan™ Chair, the Swan™ Sofa and Series 3300™ Chairs. Arne Jacobsen was and is an admired and outstanding designer. While the significance of Arne Jacobsen's buildings was less appreciated, his furniture and other design work have become national and international heritage.

    Arne Jacobsen은 20세기 가장 영향력이 큰 건축가 겸 디자이너로 오늘날의 북유럽 디자인의 원형을 제시한 덴마크 디자인의 아버지로 불립니다. Fritz Hansen에서 가구 디자인을 시작, 세계 최초로 좌석 일체의 3차 곡면을 실현한 Ant Chair와 아름다운 라인의 Seven Chair, Swan Chair 등 수많은 걸작을 만들어냈습니다.
    SAS Royal Hotel과 함께 디자인한 Egg Chair, Danish National Bank의 설계시 만들어진 Banker Clock
    또한 그의 철학이 잘 담겨있는 걸작입니다.

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  • Notification 상품정보제공고시    
    품명   Thermo bottle (A~Z)
    재질   Stainless steal
    크기   상단 참조
    제조자/수입자   Design Letters / 이노메싸
    제조국   China oem
    품질보증기준   사용 전 상품 교환가능
    A/S 책임자와 전화번호   소비자상담실 : 02-3463-7710